Your next steps, now that you’ve purchased an event ticket on Eventbrite:

  • Login or Create a SCHED account. Use the same email account as Eventbrite to link your ticket to your event schedule.

  • Identify yourself! Badges will be available at registration. 

  • Connect socially: Follow #VANWIT20 to hear stories from sessions and to connect with other attendees. We’ll be covering all things conversational on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram so please join us! 

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davies + dixon

We’re a team of creatives and strategists who love what we do. As former Fortune 500 employees, sales reps, business owners and O.G. startup team members, we apply our combined experience into goal-crushing partnerships with our clients.

Our co-founders, Makenzie + Kelsey, met in 2010 working for a division of Avon in New York City. Serendipity brought them both to the West Coast and a love for hustling led them to team up and start a marketing firm together in December 2014. They set out with the intentions to over-deliver on customer experience and creativity; funneled through a strategic lens and sales mindset.