Your next steps, now that you’ve purchased an event ticket on Eventbrite:

  • Login or Create a SCHED account. Use the same email account as Eventbrite to link your ticket to your event schedule.

  • Identify yourself! Badges will be available at registration. 

  • Connect socially: Follow #VANWIT20 to hear stories from sessions and to connect with other attendees. We’ll be covering all things conversational on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram so please join us! 

avatar for Mark McCarvill

Mark McCarvill

Mind Meeting Group
Strategy Consultant
Vancouver, Canada
For 12 years I've been helping executive teams at Fortune 500 companies and other large organizations solve complex or “wicked” problems – in just 3 days. I use a science-based methodology that leverages the power of inclusivity, cognitive diversity, and disciplined focus. Unlike traditional consulting, my approach engages the whole organization in co-creating solutions, thus earning leaders buy-in across the entire enterprise. I've been a long-time advocate for women in leadership and have recently started some informal coaching and mentoring. When not solving complex problems, I enjoy travel and landscape photography.