Your next steps, now that you’ve purchased an event ticket on Eventbrite:

  • Login or Create a SCHED account. Use the same email account as Eventbrite to link your ticket to your event schedule.

  • Identify yourself! Badges will be available at registration. 

  • Connect socially: Follow #VANWIT20 to hear stories from sessions and to connect with other attendees. We’ll be covering all things conversational on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram so please join us! 

avatar for Kiana Mohseni

Kiana Mohseni

Senior Director of Software Development
Kiana Mohseni is a senior technologist with over 20 years of leadership in delivering large scale software products from satellite mission planning systems to video games. Kiana is currently Senior Director of Software Development at Hootsuite, leading 3 global engineering teams working on Data Analytics, Ads and Product Growth. Prior to Hootsuite, Kiana held a number of roles at leading technology companies such as Amazon, Electronic Arts and McDonald Dettweiler, to name a few. She holds a BSc in Engineering and an MSc in Computer Science from University of London, UK and an MBA from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada.